Sunday, October 16, 2011

The First Post

Can you be a fighter if you don’t fight?
My hauberk is a big box of scales and two packages of para-cord, my shield has no edging, my demi-gauntlets are just patterns and my swords need new tape and tips. Can I really call myself a fighter? I think about fighting pretty often, I hang out on the Armour Archive, I watch YouTube videos of fights, I have to-do lists on repairing my armour. Yet I haven’t swung a stick in two years, outside of some half-hearted pell work.
The reasons for this are the usual ones; work and family. I made the decision to concentrate on travel while we were over in Europe, reasoning that I’ll have time for the SCA when we got back to the states. Well, that time is now. I retired from active duty in April, so it’s time to get back into the SCA groove.
This blog will follow my path back into harness.